jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Mistakes in my essays

 Ana Lia Alonso

Teacher: Stella Saubidet

ISFD N° 41

19 September, 2013


                                 Mistakes in my Essays

                                  A Question of Anxiety

 Learning how to write an essay, is an exasperating process, since there are many instructions to follow, and I do not know how to order my ideas to produce a correct work. Although I have enough material to understand the steps required in a proper essay, from the beginning  to the conclusion of writing, there are a lot of doubts that not only make difficult my challenge, but also blind my mind. Am I able to solve these problems using some strategies or is this a question of time and patience to solve this puzzle? Brian Adams says: Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success” . It appears that if I follow the correct steps, it will be easy to create a good essay, but all these steps have their clues and I have to understand them gradually, without anxiety, as well as being helped by another view about my work.

       It is known that the title and first paragraph are probably the most important parts of an essay, that´s why it is essential to think them quietly and it is the first problem to solve, since I always think if the title is reflected into the essay or not. Within this paragraph, is the topic sentence, a very relevant part of an essay which is difficult to select. In addition, the thesis has to contain my posture about the topic chosen and as if it was not enough, this thesis have to be supported with evidences, examples or quotations in the body paragraphs. At this point of the essay, I have doubts about the inclusion of non relevant information. Finally, the conclusion has to refer to all the data provided before, to assert our position about the thesis. At this moment, I feel worried about the possibility of not being understood, so I need the view of another person to edit the essay. 

        All these necessary clues and steps are uncomplicated to learn, remember and enumerate, but when I have with all the information in front of me, I should be unperturbed, letting aside the anxiety. The problem is that I am so anxious, that´s why it is important for me a peer correction, which make me conscious of the mistakes that I cannot recognize. When I read the corrections of my production, I feel ashamed of my mistakes that seem to be made by someone else. I feel I will not be able to improve my writing till I take enough  time to understand all the steps. In the same way, I know that at least half of the problem is produced by the disproportional and unnecessary sense of responsibility that makes me do everything so quickly, skipping steps instead of going slowly and consciousness.

Begin vs Start

Begin and Start are two verbs (sometimes used as nouns too) that are often confused when it comes to their meanings. Strictly speaking there is some difference between the two although both of them are sometimes interchangeable. The most important observation here is that the word ‘start’ is more informal usage when compared to the word ‘begin’. In other words the word ‘begin’ is used in the formal style.

Posture synonym of Position

Posture: A frame of mind affecting one's thoughts or behavior; an overall attitude.

Position.: Point of view or attitude on a certain question

Select vs. choose

Select is more formal than choose, and in everyday English, people usually say choose rather than select.
Assert vs. affirm
Assert : To say something clearly and firmly' (= to declare something)

Affirm: To state firmly or publicly that something is true

We assert forcefully; we affirm positively.

Discover- recognize

Discover: To be the first to find, learn of, or observe,

Recognize. To know to be something that has been perceived before

Rectification vs. correction

Typically we see rectification used in the context of fixing a problem or habit that is actively harmful, rather than correcting amending a simple error in a text. For example, "The new president sought to rectify the widespread injustices in his country" or "If he doesn't rectify his poor study habits, he will never finish university





correction :  adjustment, alteration, amendment, emendation, improvement, modification, rectification, righting

Rectification: modification, renovation, revision, reform